To meet the expectations of our customers, Vito has developed another model of the tent with an additional roof and countertops.
The tent is dedicated to companies and people offering catering services.
To meet the expectations of our customers, Vito has developed another model of the tent with an additional roof and countertops.
The tent is dedicated to companies and people offering catering services.
Żuki 50A,
62-700 Turek
woj. wielkopolskie
czynne w w godz 7.00-15.00
tel. +48 63 289 94 49
fax + 48 63 278 15 69
tel. 63 2204831
tel. 63 2204837
kom. 507 193 407
kom. 507 193 405
kom. 509 703 991
tel. +48 63 278 15 69
kom. +48 509 703 991
kom. 509 703 990